Is Mobile Advertising in a Boom?

Advertising concept with smartphone on white table


TechCrunch believes that we’re on the verge of another major boom in marketing through mobile. Is this true? We’re probably already there. The writer of this article compared what we’re seeing in mobile advertising right now to what happened in the dot com bubble.

Here mobile advertisers threw a lot of money out there to try and attract new customers, but the number of customers and an understanding of the level of advertising needed to get a conversion weren’t there. The money began to run out, and, as a result, website advertising would trend downward for several years until the mid-2000s.

We are experiencing  another boom right now for mobile advertising. Users are accessing web pages and especially apps now more than ever before. In addition to that, brands are devoting more of their dollars to mobile advertising than web advertising too. Jeff Kamikow and other advertisers believe mobile will be the present and future of advertising for some time. Are they right?

Yes, probably,  but the current model will not be the way that happens. Advertisers are too focused on app-install ads as pointed out by TechCrunch, and they are spending too much money to get people to install their ads and keep using them. Unfortunately, a user may try out an app for a week before moving on. Instead, Jeffrey Kamikow and others in the mobile advertising industry will need to focus on integrating app and mobile advertising with other channels to create one holistic marketing scheme.

Why Mobile Ads Are Getting Shorter

Close up Two hand holding mobile with Video Advertising word, Digital business concept.

Have you noticed the ads that you see when you browse the internet on your mobile devices is getting shorter? This is no accident as brands are trying to create better engagement and get their message across. As Jeff Kamikow would point out, brands are always changing the way they advertise to appeal to the public.

Mobile devices have caused users to have a much shorter attention span than they once did for other platforms. In fact, the average mobile user will have an attention span of as little as eight seconds. However, at the same time, it should be noted that mobile users are experiencing more within those eight seconds. They have a laser-like focus where they can gather what is happening and make a quick decision on whether or not they want to continue viewing the content.

This is the reason why so many people are installing ad blockers on their phones to prevent marketers from targeting them for specific ads. It is also why they’re conditioned to find the X button as soon as possible. However, as many researchers point out, there are still many opportunities out there, and many brands have made a point of creating 5-6 second ads that can engage users. So far there has been limited success here, but this should be a major focus for marketers in the years to come.

As Jeffrey Kamikow would say, you have to give the public what they want. Today, it would certainly be shorter ads that they can consume as quickly as possible to get back to their content.